Monday, January 7, 2013

First New Year's together

The bf and I just spent out first new year's together.  After much consideration, we decided to stay in and watch the ball drop in the comfort of our own place.  When you don't get to see each other very much, just being together is festive enough for the holidays.  We snuggled up, watched movies, and then did our own little new year's countdown / dance in my apartment.  His stay was so nice, we agreed to always try and spend new year's together.  There is something magical and encouraging about starting a new year together, hand in hand. And, it's always good to have things to look forward to in a LDR...

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Rio Diamond - One more day

Whenever I hear songs that remind me of LDRs, I am going to try and post the lyrics because I feel like music can help heal the soul when we are feeling down (which I know happens to me when my sweetie isn't around).  Music really helps me feel all the love I have for my long distance boyfriend, which then makes me feel thankful and lucky versus just depressed.  Always a good thing, right?

Though this song is about a lover who has passed away, it made me think of the times when my BF is visiting and has to go.  What I would do to just have another day...  this teaches us to not take the life we have for granted.  Because even if the love is long distance, it is still love, and for receiving and reciprocating that, we are very lucky. 

Rio Diamond - One more day
Last night I had a crazy dream
A wish was granted just for me
It could be for anything
I didn't ask for money
Or a mansion in Malibu
I simply wished, for one more day with you

One more day
One more time
One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again
I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you

First thing I'd do, is pray for time to crawl
Then I'd unplug the telephone
And keep the TV off
I'd hold you every second
Say a million I love you's
That's what I'd do, with one more day with you

One more day
One more time
One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again
I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you

Leave me wishing still, for one more day
Leave me wishing still, for one more day

New relationship, new year! Time to blog!

Wow.  A lot has changed since I wrote my last post in 2009.  The guy I mentioned in that last post unfortunately didn't work out, but we are still friends.  It's been a year and a half since our break-up, so I am more comfortable saying now that things didn't work out for good reasons.  After being long distance for 2 years, and then spending 1 year in the same city (I moved to him because I had a terrific job opportunity in the same city), we realized that more than the distance, we were just not on the same page of life in terms of commitment.  I still think he's a great guy, but after dating for 4 years, that can really put a damper on the relationship.  I've found that once a relationship gets exclusive and more serious, I want to feel like I'm headed towards something with the guy.  All in all, it was definitely a difficult process to get over, but I have learned tremendously from the experience.

I really thought from then on, after spending 4 years with one guy, I would just enjoy the single life for a while.  And I did.  Casually dating people was a great way to meet new people, boost my confidence, and re-discover what I really want in a guy.  Funny thing is, one of the guys that I met really took a shine to me and did an excellent job wooing me over completely.  After a few months of trying to keep him at an arm's length to keep my singledom intact, I gave in to my heart and started dating him exclusively.  My new man has opened my eyes to what unconditional love feels like, and he inspires me to love bigger and love greater.  I really feel so lucky.  The only big issue at this point.... again... is, you guessed it, the DISTANCE!  Even though I said I would NEVER do a long distance relationship again, I've somehow found myself in one again.  But how could I stay away from such a wonderful guy?  From someone that made my world brighter and made me want to be a better person?  Another LDR I guess was just in the cards.  Anyway, since we started dating, we have been long distance for over 1 year.

Long story short, I never wanted to become an expert at LDRs, but for some reason, I feel like this is what I've become.  This is what made me revisit this blog - because I know that I have some tips and tricks that others could use to keep their LDRs healthy, and I know that others may have stuff to share on this blog as well.  If anything, when I'm feeling discouraged, I know this blog will help give me hope again.  Love is out there, but it takes work, and if I am willing, I know deep down that this one is really going to lead to my fairy tale happy ending.  Good luck to all the LDRs out there!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The beginning to the end

About a month ago I watched the movie Julie & Julia in which Julie Powell writes a blog about cooking. Watching the movie made me think, what would I write about if I wanted to share my most interesting experiences and learnings to a potential internet community? I am definitely an inquisitive person with a lot of strong opinions about many things, whether it be related to pop culture, politics, business, etc. Let's just say I love to wrap my head around things that I find confusing, interesting, and complex. The one topic that always keeps me on my toes and surprises me is relationships. In particular, long distance relationships.
Currently I am in a relationship with a wonderful guy who seems like a dream come true. The only part of it that makes me nervous is the distance. I have never been a fan of long distance relationships and never thought I would be in one out of college, but close to graduation, I realized how stupid it would be to let someone this amazing go. So here I am, looking for clarity in this messy and murky situation full of love, tears, laughter, and most important of all, hope.

When we first started long distance and I found myself struggling to handle everything that it entails, I scoured the internet for sources of inspiration and bits of advice. Faceless magazine editorials and a few how-to-ish columns were all I could find. What I really needed was a girlfriend who was going through the same thing. Someone who I knew, someone I could relate to, and someone whose advice I could trust because it really worked for them. So I guess that is the first purpose of starting this blog: to give someone who may be looking a peek into my own long distance challenges & solutions in hopes that it may help him or her with their own wonderfully complicated relationship.

But honestly folks, even if nobody set their eyes on this blog, I would be happy to have a record of how I got through it all with my Mr. Right. This will be my journey, from the disconcerting beginning to the fulfilling end. And my hopes are, it will be the happiest ending that even I could not have imagined.